Rabu, 05 Juni 2013

How to Bathe Cat

Cats must be afraid of water, if not dimandiin dah definitely smell and can not be embraced. To stay healthy and clean, the cat must be bathed, but it certainly will be a lot of problems in bathing a cat. Well so this does not happen, it's good to see the tips bathe the cat following:

- Prepare all the necessities like bath towels, shampoo, etc. in an easy place to reach.

- Should a cat a bath with warm water.

- At the time of watering. Avoid the cats face.

- For the face simply by using a damp cloth

- Provide a towel as footwear cat, so he feels comfortable and not strained.

- At the time of revolt cat, try to pet him gently.

- Rinse the cat's body after dishampoo until completely clean.

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