Rabu, 05 Juni 2013

Necklace is one of the women's accessories that are often used by women to their appearance more ok. Well to keep one type of women's accessories is certainly no way, here's how:

  1. Avoid friction or direct contact with chemicals in order not to damage the jewelry such as abrasions, scratches, broken, etc..

  2. Save your necklace in the object to a closed, airtight and upholstered soft as velvet. If you can not bulkhead so as not to rub against one another.

  3. Clean your necklace regularly on where you buy. And always use warm water, to remove the stain on the collar so that the color is always awake. Then, dry with a cloth berbahanlembut. Use hand gestures when washing or drying jewelry length, because there is a circular motion often cause scratches.

  4. When cleaning you should not use a tissue or paper towel because fiber contained in a tissue or paper can cause scratches.

  5. Avoid the use of bleach to clean the woman's necklace or accessory you because these materials will make the metal material can be easily damaged.

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